1/9/2022 9AM Sunday Service – I Have Called You By Name
Welcome to our weekly livestream service at St. Stephen’s! We are working hard to make worship an experience and hope to continue providing live worship for the St. Stephen’s community. Please participate in chat and leave feedback on how we can improve. Your input is the only way we know how and what to change!
Services will be available for viewing anytime on YouTube at 2pm Sundays. For time and confidentiality purposes, chat replay will never be made public. Live chat is only available for participation and viewing during the livestream.
Order of Worship: You can find the order of worship in our weekly email! If don’t currently receive those, you can sign up via the connect card: https://www.ststephensfairfax.org/connect/
St.Stephen’s Website: https://www.ststephensfairfax.org/
Connect Page: https://www.ststephensfairfax.org/connect/
Giving Page: https://www.ststephensfairfax.org/online-giving/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0xij-ku-vi3om-vLE2dUJA
Facebook: https://www.fb.com/ststephensfairfax
Instragram: @ststephensfairfax
Twitter: @ststephensburke
Vimeo: https://www.vimeo.com/ststephensfairfax
#SSUMC #SundayService #UMC