Family and Children’s Ministry Events
The mission of the Children’s Ministry at St. Stephen’s is to build
a solid Christian foundation by loving, teaching and nurturing children in our community to ignite a lifelong passion for living a Christian life.
Monthly service opportunities for children:
MPK (Mission Possible Kids) for ages 3rd-6th Grade and SHINE for 1st and 2nd Graders.
Both meet on the Second Friday of each month from 6-8pm beginning Sept. 13.

Sunday Mornings
- BLAST! Sunday School for children – 11 am
- Breakfast with the Bible for children 3 and older – 9 am
- Church Services – 9 am and 11 am
- Nursery available for children under 3 years – 9 am-12 pm
- Godly Play (4 years-2nd Grade) available 11 am