Seven Ways to Donate to SSUMC’s Endowment
Endowment giving to St. Stephen’s may take many forms:
- Securities are generally deductible at full market value and taxes on the gain may be avoided.
- Real Estate is also generally deductible at full market price.
- Life Insurance Policies may be used to designate the SSUMC Permanent Endowment Fund as a beneficiary.
- Charitable Trusts provide the donor with income for life with the assets passing to the SSUMC Permanent Endowment Fund.
- Wills and Trusts may be used to designate assets to the SSUMC Permanent Endowment Fund.
- Liquid Assets such as cash, treasury bills, money market accounts.
- Gift Annuities provide the donor with income for life with the assets passing to the SSUMC Permanent Endowment Fund.
All gifts for endowment should be labeled for the SSUMC Permanent Endowment Fund.
Contact Charlie Jedlicka, Endowment Committee Chair, at 703-978-2593 to further explore these opportunities.