St. Stephen’s Permanent Endowment Fund
What is an Endowment?
- AN ENDOWMENT is a fund that provides an income for future generations for a specific purpose, wherein the principal is invested and only a specific percentage of the investment is distributed in accordance with the intent of the donor.
Three Types of Permanent Endowment Funds
- UNRESTRICTED – Gifts become part of the church-wide permanent endowment fund with income being directed to expand or strengthen established ministries.
- DESIGNATED PERMANENT ENDOWMENT FUNDS – Gifts of at least $10,000 with income to be used to support an identified ministry.
- NAMED PERMANENT ENDOWMENT FUNDS – Gifts of at least $20,000 established in honor or in memory of and individual with income to be used to support an identified ministry.
Endowment giving to SSUMC may take many forms.
- Securities are generally deductible at full market value and taxes on the gain may be avoided.
- Real Estate is also generally deductible at full market price.
- Life Insurance Policies may be used to designate the SSUMC Permanent Endowment Fund as a beneficiary.
- Charitable Trusts provide the donor with income for life with the assets passing to the SSUMC Permanent Endowment Fund.
- Wills and Trusts may be used to designate assets to the SSUMC Permanent Endowment Fund.
- Liquid Assets such as cash, treasury bills, money market accounts.
- Gift Annuities provide the donor with income for life with the assets passing to the SSUMC Permanent Endowment Fund.
Who Oversees My Contributions to the SSUMC Permanent Endowment Fund?
The Permanent Endowment Committee of SSUMC carefully oversees all contributions and serves at the direction of the Church Council. Investment and distribution policies are approved by the Church Council.
Benefits of Giving to the St. Stephen’s Permanent Endowment Fund:
- You will experience the joy of sharing in the ministry of Christ.
- You will help to extend the mission of Christ in the community and around the world.
- You may indicate how you would like the funds to be used in ministry.
- You may be able to improve your tax position.
- You can create a legacy at St. Stephen’s for years to come.
- You can make your estate plans while you are living.
- It is flexible, effective and easy.
For further information contact Charlie Jedlicka, 703-978-2593.